Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Doing blog topics General Blog Vs Doing Special topic, Where to?

How do your holiday yesterday? I'm sure is fun. Together the family may return to your home and enjoy having missed the sate goat or cow. Oh yes, although late, harmless if I congratulate Hari Raya Idul Adha is celebrated for.
Hopefully this important moment able to strengthen our belief that to achieve a goal, we must be brave and want to sacrifice. To be successful in business, internet, we should like to focus sacrifice, devote energy, thoughts, time, and the funds that we have.
Last week we had with the discussing about the blog platform of choice: blogger or wordpress. Extraordinary response from you all. Many who choose the idea, but not a few select bloggers. Now, let's obrolkan back on the blog. This time, the topic on the blog. In general, there are two topics of a trend of election blog: Doing blog topic and the general topic of special Ber.
Doing blog is a common topic of a blog that the contents are not restricted in a certain field. But some areas can be at once and not related to one another. For instance, a blog that contains about culinary, attractions, and software.
Usually this blog manifold personal blog or personal. That is, this blog is intended for fulfilling the desires of the personal blogger. If the owner has a myriad interests, from business, political, economic, computer, and various other matters, all included in a blog is.
Do choose a topic for public blog?
    1. The target readers are very knowledgeable. Or in other words the possibility of visiting the blog is very large. Because the target readers are not only interested in one topic only, but some topics. So, should blog Doing general topic can reach a high traffic link and a link that many.
    2. Easier to write. Because of broad topics, then for the blogger should be easier to write. The blog owners need not worry the lack of any ideas that will be written. When the mood is not one topic, can write other topics.
While the blog Doing specific topics that contain specific topics. For example, on the internet business, the business is discussed on the Internet only. If the topic of visual design, for example, it is written is not far-distant around it.
If the blog Doing special topics, what benefits?
    1. The preferred search engine. Search engine pleased that specific blog. When browsing to a blog search engine spider will identify a blog about what. Spider will also examine the links that link to get there. Are accordance with the topic of the blog or not. And this affects the blog page Rank.
    2. Can be a specialist. Doing blog has a specific topic allows you to become a specialist in the field. And when your credibility and reputation as a recognized expert, you will be asked to place other people. Without the shrink will also recommend them to friends to visit your blog. Campaign for free and certainly the additional traffic flow to your blog.
    3. Have loyal visitors. As a fellow owner of a field, you will be surrounded by loyal visitors. Means the level of visits to your blog will never be quiet. They are your friends. Even though you positioned as a specialist, but the relationship is built equivalent. This means, you are obliged to building a good relationship and interact with them.
Now, the blog Doing some of the excess general and special topics. My suggestion, you better have a blog Doing special topics. For the world, blogging and the Internet led to specialization. If you have a lot of interest, I recommend making more than one blog.
How? Blog your learner types or special general topic? Or you have other opinions?



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