Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing your website is not really that difficult, there are many search engine optimization techniques, or SEO techniques, that can be employed even by a novice webmaster with limited html skills and the will to learn new things.
This article will deal with the on page search engine optimization techniques, or seo techniques that you employ on your website to make it more search engine friendly. While off page search engine optimization, or SEO that is performed through the use of other websites, such as with link building; is vitally important. Proper optimization of on page elements of your website should be considered the foundation which you build all other search engine marketing (SEM) methods on.

Page title optimization

all of the seo techniques that you can employ on your website, the title tag is largely undisputed as being the most important element of on page optimization. The title tag should be different for every page of your website and it should be keyword focused with the most important keywords at the beginning of the title.
It's somewhat disputed amongst professional SEO's whether there should be multiple keyword phrases within the title or only the two or three that directly relate to the page that the title represents; as of this moment in time there seems to be proof that either of these methods can be beneficial.

Use of heading

the headings tags are considered an important aspect of your website's optimization. These start out at <h1> and continue down in order of importance to the <h6> tag. While the content contained within headings tags are not weighted as heavily as the title tag, headings still have considerable power for keyword focusing of your content in the eyes of many search engines.
Headings tags should be keyword focused, and as with the page title, important keywords should be kept towards the beginning of the heading tag. Your most important headings should be used with the <h1> tag and the less important headings can be used with the <h2> tag, the <h3> tag and so on. An important note, however: your page title and headings should not be identical. Mixing and matching of keyword phrases is the recommended practice when employing our search engine optimization techniques with the title and the headings.

Content is king - website content optimization

Maybe the phrase "content is king" is slightly overdone, and often times it's used out of context, however, creating keyword focused and optimized content is one of the more important search engine optimization techniques that you can employ for your website.
Keyword focusing is a big factor when optimizing your website content. For instance, this article is about search engine optimization techniques. If you'll look back and read though this article you'll notice the phrase search engine optimization techniques purposely being placed throughout the article's body. This is the keyword focusing aspect of creating optimized website content.
Search engines are pretty smart, and they're getting smarter every day. What this means for website content optimization is that keyword focusing isn't enough anymore. In order to help improve the relevancy of your website's content for certain keywords and phrases, you should also work to incorporate related keyword phrases as well into the content. Taking our example of this articles keyword phrase focus � search engine optimization techniques, you'll notice that phrase as well as SEO techniques and SEO being used in lieu of search engine optimization. Basically, when you're looking to optimize your website content, you'll want to use natural substitutions of your main keywords and phrases that you might find on other websites about the same topic.

Use of sitemaps / link directory

, but not least on our list of search engine optimization techniques is the use of a website sitemap. There are actually two types of sitemaps that you can use for your website, and we'll touch on both of them here.

Sitemaps for search engines

Sitemaps built for search engines, such is the case with Google sitemaps, help search engines to easily find all of the pages of your website so that your pages can be indexed. While the use of Google sitemaps is pretty popular amongst a certain sub-culture in the webmaster world, the need for this type of sitemap really isn't needed. In fact, you can get the same results or even better results from using a different type of sitemap.

Sitemaps for people and search engines

Let's say you have a fairly large website; some 30 pages, maybe more. It's generally recommended that every page on your website is no more than two clicks from your homepage. Maintaining a link to every page of your website on your homepage simply isn't an option when you have a large website for cosmetic reasons, let alone overall user friendliness. In order to achieve the "two clicks" recommendation, you absolutely need a sitemap.
Not only will a sitemap help users find the less popular pages on your website, in terms of search engine optimization techniques, the use of a static sitemap is just a good idea. You also have the ability to work on keyword focusing for the anchor text used to link to your internal pages, another one of the many search engine optimization techniques that will help you improve your website for SEO.
While the search engine optimization techniques listed on this page are not exhaustive, the seo techniques listed here will give you a much needed advantage in improving the overall search engine friendliness of your website. All things considered, using the techniques outlined here will give you a solid foundation for any off page search engine optimization methods that you choose to employ.



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