Sunday, December 7, 2008

How to Get the Commission in the Amazon Associates?

Perhaps there among you who have not yet know how to identify associates, Amazon affiliate ID on it. This is necessary because we do not know until we are tired, tired of the Amazon affiliate tide but it can not commission from the sales only because one place affiliate id in the links that we installed on the website.
Previously there things that I want to inform, actually how Amazon affiliate id is treated by Amazon. What happens with our referral id if there are customers who come through the Amazon link to the product that you plug in the blog or website of your online store. Approximately the following description, hopefully I make confused: P
* Note: "Amazon is paid a commission if the status of its' Shipping '(purchase / items paid) is not' Order '(new items into the cart, but not yet paid)"
Condition 1:
If there are customers / customer came to the Amazon site through your referral link, then Amazon will mengindentifikasi each customer purchases, the commission will be paid to you. And identification is valid for 24 hours.
     * Although the customer is leaving the Amazon, and then enter more directly to, during the 24 hours - you are still entitled to a commission if a purchase from the customer. :)
     * If the entrance to the again through your link, then the first 24 hours was lost, and replaced with 24 hours of the new link since the last was in the click by customers.
     * But if the customer entrance to the link from the referral id other people, although not yet 24 hours, the commission is not paid to you but the other was en who can commission rules and 24-hour fall ketangan referral id of the other.
Condition 2:
If there are customers who come to the Amazon site through your referral link, and placing the items in his cart customers, but Amazon and then leave the website before making a purchase, then:
     * Items in the cart before the name will remain on the referral id for you for 90 days.
     * But if the purchase is made after 90 days by the customer, then you will not get a commission from Amazon.
What also needs to be, although in case you install only one link in the Amazon product website or blog, and some visitors who click on a product that Amazon, and Amazon's website in his search for and buy products that Amazon another (say, he bought a total of 10 items / products) from the Amazon website, then you will get the commission up to 10 items.
Once again, need to know, that in this Amazon affiliate internet marketing, including in kategory PPS (Pay-Per-Sale) = commission paid to the affiliate member if there is a transaction product sales from the affiliate.
What, you want to try? :)



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